Thursday, September 18, 2008


okay it's September. What did I do for my birthday? Nothing except STUDY. haha yeah i've 2 tests and an assignment due. 30%, 40% and 30%. How cool's that? It's stressing me out now. and that's why I'm here blogging, running away from the problem that I have that Im gonna have to face in.. let's see. A few minutes! =)

Well, at least there's something to remember for my birthday eh. Even though I definitely wouldn't have approved it if I knew beforehand. But nevertheless, I'm glad it did happen. SURPRISE! yes CATS and Crawley.. you ppl simply rock! haha. BUT i feel so cheated too. how could they trick me!!!!!!!! if it wasn't for me simply being too focused on my work, I'm sure it wouldn't have worked!

haha. whatever excuses you give Della. you got tricked and that's final. Anyway, yeah let's see how it happened. How did they trick me? Okay they got roy the boy to pretend he got locked out of his dorm. so here was the first loophole. wanjun called. called who's phone? MY BROTHER. Della! how could u not have suspected! The eve of your birthday.. close to midnight.. how could you not have suspected! ESPECIALLY when 'wendi they all' NEVER FAIL (there's an exception though: remember last year? ;p) to surprise people on their birthdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes. okay i'm too lazy to type on. and i don't have time to tell the whole story. yes, even though this is abrupt.. TATA!~ =)
okay. I'm gonna change the mood of the blog! =) cus i feel like i wanna change my writing style. haha if it can be considered a different writing style (more like writing lazily haha)! =))