Friday, February 12, 2010

An exerpt from an article.. An excellent reminder for myself :)

When We Stand Before God...?We must ask ourselves the question. "When I stand before a Holy God to give an account of my stewardship of His flock, what will He say to me?"
He will not care about our popularity, how many books we sold, how big our church or houses were, who we did or didn't know. What He will care about and ask us is, what did we do with His House, His people, and how did we influence our nation and the nations of the world – for eternity. Were we good stewards over the things He entrusted to our care?

Did we build HIS Church, or our own kingdoms?
Did we send many souls to hell because we did not speak the truth? D
Did we water down the Word of God and refuse to talk about sin?
Did we spend all our time teaching them how to succeed in this world, instead of keeping their eyes on the things of God and eternity?
Did we teach them to be salt and light, or did we teach them to compromise?
Did we tell them Jesus is soft and fluffy like a puppy, or that He's the Lord of Glory?
Did we give them meat to eat or just cotton candy and sweets?
Did we cause them to become prey to the enemy, or did we equip them to stand?
Did we equip them to do the work of the ministry, or teach them to chase the American dream?Did we refuse to confront them and just wink at their sin?
Did we really build God's church, or is it weak and frail because of us?
Did we speak the truth in Love? It takes real love to speak the truth, especially when it is not popular!
Did we love the people enough to tell them the uncompromising truth?

What will God say to you, as a leader in His house?
It's Time For An Internal InvestigationFor a true Great Awakening to take place in our nation, it must begin with the Leaders in God's house. We believe God will be moving by His Spirit, conducting a deep internal investigation in His house, and removing everything that is standing in His way. It is time for us to judge ourselves and for judgment to begin in the house of God (1 Peter 4:17)! May our hearts and lives be fully devoted to God and His purposes, no matter what the cost.

"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." 2 Tim. 4:2.


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