Saturday, December 04, 2010

Day 1 - The Spirit of Elijah

Malachi 4:5, "Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord"

We are seeing the restoration of the spirit of Elijah upon the Church. In this new move of God, there is not only an increase in signs and wonders, but there are also unusual creative miracles (including resurrections from the dead), angelic visitations, and the restoration of key revelations, mysteries, and truths that have been lost through the centuries. Some of the things we are experiencing are familiar, but many things are brand-new - another wave of greater glory. It has been more than 50 years now since the last great miracle revival took place and 50 years since Israel became a nation. God ordained that Jubilee, the restoration of all that has been lost, occur every 50 years. This is the time of restoration.

Taken from "Living in the Glory Every Day" - David Herzog

My thoughts: I like the word restoration. It means we had it before, and we lost it - now God is restoring it back to the Church. In the days of the first church, there were miracles, signs and wonders happening at an unimaginable magnitude, and the disciples had all things in common, no one lacked anything. Isn't the time ripe for a restoration of all these? The Spirit of Elijah is already resting on us. The Holy Spirit now lives IN us! May we move with God's Spirit and see a restoration of the things the early church experienced.


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