Monday, November 02, 2009

Prophetic Word - 1st Nov

I feel all hyped up! May we all draw closer to God like never before, and be ready! so that the oil in our lamps are filled and full!

Word of the Lord by Prophet Phyllis Ford

Prophetic Insights:
We are approaching some major shifting in this month of November. It is a month of release, a month of acquiring that which was lost or delayed. It is a time when there will be a balancing of the weights of justice in the sight of the Lord. God is about to balance the equation of things within the justice system. Within the justice of this world, God is about to execute His righteous judgments. The opposition to the Lord’s standard will not prevail but will be uncovered, exposed, and the present system will not be able to stand in the midst of the shaking political upheavals that are coming.

Proverbs 16:11 A just weight and balance are the Lord’s: all the weights of the bag are his work.

Proverbs 20:10 Divers weights are an abomination unto the Lord; and a false balance is not good.

The Lord says the Government Systems will be Shaken
I am saying that the governments’ systems and their current state of business have been found wanting, and I will uncover it and deal with it, says the Lord. So, even as you see signs and so-called glimpses of recovery and strength --- there is about to be a greater uncovering and an even greater breaking down in the systems of government. My people have suffered greatly, and the time for accountability has come. During this time, the restoration process shall begin for my people, and you will begin to see a release of the things that have been taken, stolen, and lost. And those who have been tested will know if they passed or failed their testing.

For, not only is this a time of assessment, but a time to deal with that which is false and to also strengthen and uphold that which is true. For, the two shall no longer stand together for the chaff will be separated from the wheat and carried away by the wind of my presence. Even that which has stood for evil (riding upon the high places) as exalted idols shall come down. As the statue of Dagon stood in front of the ark of God and fell upon it’s face, so shall the false idols fall. The people that trusted and even marveled at these images shall see and understand that the truth of God is raising a standard in the land for my righteousness sake.

The Lord is Purging His People
For I am removing the filthy garments from my people, even as I did with my servant Joshua, for I am causing the iniquity to pass from those who have cried out for change and have carried the shame of past mistakes. I will no longer allow the enemy to accuse and hinder you, for I am covering you with new raiment. You shall no longer feel unable, or incapable, or even inadequate. As you stand in your new raiment, you shall receive my peace, and your new orders, so that the mandate for kingdom advancement will come forth and you will find your true purposes, says the Lord. You shall go forth and gather my sons and daughters and bring them to me, and they shall be whole. For the restored shall restore others, the blessed shall bless others, and the healed shall heal others. Because I am restoring you back to the original place in which I first called you.

The Lord’s Glory Shall Shower Down Upon the People
The glory of my spirit shall shower upon my people like never before, and they shall come into the place in which I am calling them and receive their instructions and obey their God. I will break down the walls and the barriers within the ranks of my people and bring forth a new breath, a new order, a new sound, even a new fresh wind. And my army will come forth and declare great truths, and freedom shall be upon them. The strategies of Kings shall be declared upon the wings of eagles. And a new company of my anointed shall come together to walk out what must be done in the land within these next four months.

I am moving and cross-pollinating my leadership with different giftings and callings and even within certain ranks to come together as one---not titles, not positions, but by relationships they shall come, by humbling they shall come, by love they shall come, and in giving of self they shall come. My sons and daughters shall come---there shall come a cry, and then there shall come a joy that will go up into the heavens like a song. In the midst, I shall remove the scars of the past. I shall piece together lives and hearts, so that my house will be a healed house of prayer for all nations.

Waves of Terrorism and the Army of God
The wave of terrorism that will sweep over both Europe and the United States will come to set fear in the hearts of those in government, so that the leadership will feel controlled and kept from exerting their authority. But I have prepared those who will cry out to the Heavens, and the army of God shall come forth. So get ready---prepare your hearts, my children---get ready---for the trump is blowing, and the alarm is sounding for the army of the Lord to come forth. The battleground is being prepared and the battle cry shall be echoed across the land, because the revival of the awakening has already begun.

I hear the gentle cries of intercession, and I want you to know that your prayers, your travail, is changing, shifting, and shaking the land. It is piercing the darkness and opening the heavens.


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