Thursday, August 16, 2007


"Faith is holding on to the faithfulness of God and, as long as you do that, you cannot go wrong. Faith does not look at the difficulties.

Faith does not look at itself or at the person who is exercising it.

Faith looks at God.

Faith is interested in God only, and it talks about God and it praises God and it extols the virtues of God.

The measure of the strength of a man's faith, always, is ultimately the measure of his knowledge of God.

He knows God so well that he can rest on the knowledge."

-Hudson Taylor

To put it simply, faith is trust. I used to put my trust and my hope only in myself. I studied hard and did reasonably well in school. I created ambitious dreams for myself so that I would work towards it and live a comfortable life later on. Sometimes, yet, I couldn't get what I wanted even though I believed that I could do it and worked hard for it. When I couldn't get them, I asked myself 'why' and worked even harder for them. Again, sometimes I could attain what I worked hard for and yet sometimes I couldn't. When that happened, I asked myself 'why' again. I didn't know why. I couldn't answer my question on my own.

When I was 16, I finally knew why. I wasn't God. I was just a creation, made by the Maker of all things. So naturally, I didn't have any control over all situations and over the things of the world. Not to mention, I didn't have all the answers to my questions. So I surrendered myself, my ambitions, my whole being and everything that I had to the Creator of the Universe, who is also the Person in control of all things, who knew what was best for His Creation, the Person who loved and loves His Creation without doubt and thus would give me what I needed and what was best for me. Without doubt? Yes, because in John 3:16 He says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Without doubt? Because He has never failed me. Without doubt? Simply because I have tasted His goodness.
So look to God, the lover of your soul today and put your faith in Him. Once again, I quote what God says in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Trust in Him. Surrender to Him. Look upwards.


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